クンゼア クリーム デュオ
Zea Relief 製品には、緩和、保護、治癒、鎮静のためのオーストラリア産クンゼア オイルの自然な治療効果が含まれています。

クンゼア クリーム デュオ

¥5,800 JPY ¥5,000 JPY Save 14%
Rendering loop-subscriptions


クンゼア クリーム デュオには次の成分が含まれています。

Kunzea 鎮痛クリーム関節炎、筋肉痛、関節痛に対する当社の特徴的な治療製品として開発されました。それは多くの抗炎症特性を含み、有効成分であるローズマリーとタスマニアラベンダーの追加の利点もあります.

オリジナル クンゼア クリームは、肌の健康を第一に考えた栄養豊富なモイスチャライザーとリッチなボディ バターです。乾燥してひび割れた手に特に適しています。有効成分はクンゼアのみ。多目的クリームはすっきりとしたさわやかな香りがあり、滑らかでべたつかない粘稠度が心地よく、肌に簡単に吸収されます。


患部に、または必要に応じて、クリームを 1 日 2 ~ 4 回マッサージするだけです。均一に広がって吸収されるまで、円を描くようにやさしくこすります。

Zea Relief 製品には、緩和、保護、治癒、鎮静のためのオーストラリア産クンゼア オイルの自然な治療効果が含まれています。


クンゼア クリーム デュオ
ブリーズ イージー ライフスタイル ブレンド

クンゼア クリーム デュオ

ブリーズ イージー ライフスタイル ブレンド


Total Price = ¥17,400 JPY

Customer Reviews

Based on 5958 reviews
Sammy McDermott (Riddells Creek, VIC, AU)
Zea cream

Lovely cream that has helped my neck and back pain.

Anne Menara (Melbourne, VIC, AU)
Instant relief

I was first introduced to Kunzea on a trip to Tasmania. I use it for a few aches and pains in my shoulders. I gave a tube to my son who has sciatica and my granddaughter who has restless legs at night and they rave about it. My daughter was sceptical at first but now she has been using it as well for muscle pains. I can’t get over how quickly the relief is I get when I use it. It is the best.

Marja Zids (Sydney, NSW, AU)
Zea pain relief cream

I have been using the Zea pain relief cream for some time. I have an injured knee and the specialist told me one and an half years ago that I need a knee replacement. The specialist examined my knee and moved it in many different ways. He said that people with a knee like mine scream in pain when he examines them. He did not believe that I was pain free. The Zea pain relief cream is keeping me pain free. I have had a broken ankle twice, and I also use the cream there. It is an excellent product which is easy to use and effective for pain relief.

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Krankypants (Sydney, NSW, AU)
True to form A+

I've spent decades researching & experimenting with all sorts of stuff as my dna-defective body declines. I also onsold & gifted many products over the years, having sifted the wheat from the chaff.
This kunzea stuff is potent & legitimately outstanding for many painful ailments. Arthritis primarily for my friends & I, remarkably so for the chronic rheumatoid sufferers, but my massage therapist also reports noticeable benefit from adding a few drops (testing the client prior, of course) to his massage oil.

Prue O'Reilly (New York, NY, US)
Kunzea pain relief cream

I have MS & suffer from neuralgia ( Nerve pain), this cream stops the pain. I have been taking opioids to manage the pain, I very rarely need to use medication & this is a natural product. I love it!!

Michelle Yet foy (Townsville, QLD, AU)
The Best

My dad has really bad neck pain and the cream really helps.i love the smell.i keep a tube in my handbag all the time.
